Homemade Natto
2024-04-04 18:38:51 935

Natto, popular in Japan, is used as a health supplement. I also went crazy for a while in China. The nutrition and efficacy of natto are good. Many people don't like it because of its unique taste. The price of buying natto is slightly expensive. Making natto in a home yogurt machine produces great products.
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Homemade Natto
- 1. Wash the soybeans thoroughly and soak them in cold water overnight.
- 2. Pour out the remaining water from soaking the soybeans.
- 3. Put the soybeans into a pressure cooker, cover the lid, and simmer over high heat until cooked.
- 4. Prepare natto powder and mix well with an appropriate amount of water.
- 5. Put the stewed soybeans into a container for making natto.
- 6. Pour in natto powder water and stir well.
- 7. Place the natto container into the yogurt maker, power on and select the natto stage.
- 8. The machine starts working. Power off after work is completed.
- 9. You can enjoy it now.