Sugar water

Orange flavored liquor

Orange flavored liquor

Orange flavored liquor
Red dates, longan, and egg soup

Red dates, longan, and egg soup

Red dates, longan, and egg soup
White Radish snow pear Water

White Radish snow pear Water

White Radish snow pear Water
Sugar coated kumquat fruit for moistening the lungs and relieving cough

Sugar coated kumquat fruit for moistening the lungs and relieving cough

Sugar coated kumquat fruit for moistening the lungs and relieving cough
Sweet Soup of Horseshoe and Orange

Sweet Soup of Horseshoe and Orange

Sweet Soup of Horseshoe and Orange
Lily and Pear Broth of white fungus Soup

Lily and Pear Broth of white fungus Soup

Lily and Pear Broth of white fungus Soup
Red dates and apple wine brewed boiled eggs

Red dates and apple wine brewed boiled eggs

Red dates and apple wine brewed boiled eggs
Stewed snow pear

Stewed snow pear

Stewed snow pear