Mousse Cake
2024-07-14 14:59:18 240

This is my second birthday cake in life, made for my colleague's daughter Shiyin! I was originally planning to make mango mousse, but when I cut open the mangoes at 10 pm, I realized that the three green mangoes I bought were not ripe. Later, I found a mango I bought a few days ago in the fridge and kept it for filling and decoration. I used it less because I really didn't have any left! You can add more small mango cubes to make mousse filling filling! This is a six inch mousse!
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Mousse Cake
- This is the finished product image
- I made this based on an eight inch Qi Feng house. Remarks: Four eggs, 30 grams of sugar, two drops of white vinegar, 60 milliliters of milk, 80 grams of low powder, 40 grams of oil. I didn't use a six inch cake mold. One reason is to save time, this one only needs to be baked for 20 minutes! On the other hand, just place the six inch cake bottom on top and cut it. If it's not cut evenly, use scissors to trim it off! Remember to cut two six inch circles and trim them with scissors!
- This is made with Fanta, yogurt, cream, and molds. After baking the cake, we started preparing the mousse filling. Soak gelatin powder in milk for a while, then heat it over hot water until it melts. Once it's warm, add yogurt and mix well. Put it in the refrigerator. Whip light cream with sugar until the texture disappears after a while, and it's said to be 60% whipped. Then mix the whipped cream and chilled yogurt gelatin mixture together to make mousse sauce.
- This is the big green mango I bought. Sorry for forgetting to take the picture! Next, place the six inch cake embryo at the bottom of the mold, pour in mousse solution, add diced mango, and then add another slice of cake. Pour in the remaining mousse solution and smooth it out as much as possible.
- This is an unripe mango cut open! Put the mousse liquid in the freezer for one hour and start preparing the mirror. Use Fanta and gelatin powder to heat and melt the mirror, then let it cool. In summer, you can refrigerate it in the fridge for twenty minutes and pour it onto the basically set mousse cake. After refrigeration for two hours, decorate the surface. I only used the remaining cream, chocolate, and diced mango!
- 6. Finally, the mold was removed with just one blow of a hair dryer!
- 7. Add a mousse circle outside and tie a ribbon with a bow!
- 8. Box up! Oh, oh!