Bacon and Shrimp Pizza
2024-11-27 15:00:24 257
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Bacon and Shrimp Pizza
- 1. Ingredients: pizza starter, fresh shrimp (washed), bacon, shredded onions, shredded peppers, shredded red peppers, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese
- 2. Cut the bacon on the cutting board and set aside for later use.
- 3. Peel the cleaned fresh shrimp and remove the shrimp line, and set aside for later use.
- 4. Unpack the pizza crust and place it in the mold.
- 5. Then, spread some tomato sauce evenly with a spoon and add some mozzarella cheese.
- 6. Next, add the sliced bacon and peeled fresh shrimp.
- 7. Then, add shredded onions, shredded red peppers, and shredded chili peppers, and place them in the mozzarella cheese.
- Finally, bake in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.