Brownie Cheesecake
2024-11-02 03:00:03 382

1. I also made a 6-inch brownie cheesecake for my daughter's birthday. As the maximum size that a home oven can make is 10 inches, I'm afraid it won't be enough for my friends to eat, so I made another 6-inch brownie cheesecake
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Brownie Cheesecake
- 1. Ingredients: 1. Cheesecake toppings: 210g cream cheese, 40g granulated sugar, 60g eggs, 60g plain yogurt, 2.5ml vanilla extract. 2. Brownie cake toppings: 50g butter, 50g dark chocolate, 50g granulated sugar, 20g plain yogurt, 40g eggs, 50g medium gluten flour (regular flour)
- 2. Prepare a 6-inch cake mold and apply softened butter to the inner layer of the mold for later use
- 3.1. Make brownie cake batter chocolate, cut butter into small pieces and heat them over water
- 4. After complete dissolution, remove from the water
- 5. Add 50g of granulated sugar
- 6. Add 40g of egg mixture
- 7. Add 20g of plain yogurt
- 8. After stirring evenly, sieve in medium gluten flour
- 9. Stir evenly to make brownie cake batter
- 10. Pour into a 6-inch cake mold and place it in a preheated 180 degree oven. Place the middle layer on high and low heat for about 18 minutes, and use this time to make cheesecake batter
- 11.2. Preparation of Cheesecake Paste: After softening the cream cheese at room temperature, add 40g of granulated sugar and use an egg beater to beat until smooth and free of particles
- 12. Add 60g of egg mixture
- 13. Beat evenly
- 14. Add 2.5ml vanilla extract
- 15. Add 60g of plain yogurt
- 16. Stir evenly to make a thick and smooth cheese paste
- 17. Pour the cheesecake batter onto the baked brownie cake. (Don't wait for the brownie cake to cool down)
- 18. Shake the cake mold vigorously twice, exhaust it, and place it in the baking tray,
- 19. Reduce the oven temperature to 160 degrees Celsius, in the middle layer, over high and low heat, bake for about 35 minutes until the surface turns golden yellow. After the cake cools down, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for more than 4 hours
- 20. Decorate the refrigerated cake with canned cherries and fresh cherries
- 21. Place the pre made chocolate board on top