Halloween Dessert - Brownie Cookies
2024-04-23 13:53:08 420

It seems like this is my first time making Halloween themed desserts, and I'm too lazy to make complicated ones. Let's make the simplest one!
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Halloween Dessert - Brownie Cookies
- 1. Prepare all the materials and soften the butter.
- 2. Beat with butter and fine sugar.
- 3. Add the whole egg mixture twice and stir evenly.
- 4. Add sieved powder and mix well.
- 5. Roll it into a ball and let the cling film relax for a while.
- 6. Use the same method to make cocoa dough.
- 7. Cocoa dough is divided into 15g balls, while plain dough is divided into 13g balls.
- 8. Wrap plain dough with cocoa dough.
- 9. Flatten.
- 10. Put it on the 9405 baking tray of Xuechef, it can make 18 cookies.
- 11. The middle layer of the oven is 160 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. Remove the mold from the furnace and let it cool.
- 12. Take a small amount of permitted powder or bamboo charcoal powder and heat it with water to make a paste.
- 13. Use a cotton swab or small brush to draw the eyes, point two dots as the nose, and draw the mouth!